House of Sin

Friday, April 28, 2006


It's a late night here in the House of Sin. R is out with one of his girltoys, and GH is passed out in his bedroom. Thursdays are usually party nights in the HoS, though tonight was different. OneEye wasn't available, R had plans, and I was drunk by 9:30. It's difficult to motivate yourself to go spend money to get drunk, when you have the ability to get intoxicated for free.

I thought about flyin' solo downtown, but I'm horrendous at striking up conversations (as previous posts will attest). So, going out by myself wasn't an option. I had left a message for TG, but surprise surprise... she didn't call back. I honestly don't know why I bother with that girl. All she does is frustrate me.

By the time I considered giving HD a call, it was way too late to be subtle about such things. Although This Bastard is six foot four, he does try to be subtle.

I suppose it's for the best, really. I didn't spend any money, and I was still able to get a good buzz on. GH tried to get me to go out, because I "need to get some play". Oh, the boy is brilliant on THAT point. I am planning on going out tomorrow and Saturday, so here's hoping I meet a pretty girl.

Or three.

It comes down to my need to create more options besides the unreliable TG and the needy HD. I know it's not polite to call women "options" but I'm not exactly in the right frame-of-mind for being polite, and all that.

(Plus, I'm a greedy and selfish bastard.)

Anyways. I'm off to view some horrid soft-core porn on Cinemax, and pass out into orgasmic oblivion.


-- The Bastard.

Posted by The Bastard :: 1:35 AM :: 1 comments

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