Tuesday, May 09, 2006
View from above
Blooming leaves on trees aplenty left the orange streetlights looking like Christmas lights. From five floors up, I watched the partygoers stumble past the "lights". I leaned against the railing, desperately searching for guidance and wisdom. Alas, none was to be found.
I took some time and pondered whether I had made the right decision regarding
TG. It wasn't for lack of trying that I hadn't seen and barely talked to her. Numerous overtures were made and promises were given to me in return. But when push came to shove she repeatedly blew me off. I had had enough. So I kicked her to the curb.
The timing, though... the timing irks me. I think if I hadn't been so frustrated by the conversations I had with
The Ex last week, I might've given
TG another chance. I had attempted to take my frustrations out on my liver, but only succeeded in feeling like shit; So, why not pretend
TG is
The Ex, and kick her out of my life?
TG was nothing more than a stand-in. I should feel bad about the way I treated her, but she had it coming. Plus, she had her friend call one of MY friends, and find out if I was seeing anyone else. My patience for THAT type of behavior is incredibly low. High school was over for This Bastard a long time ago.
I looked down the street at the NYC-style club that I've been known to frequent. Even from a block away, I could still recognize the bouncer. I briefly considered going down to see if
BrownEyes was around.
I exhaled and passed on the idea. Considering my mental state, I'd probably end up calling her by
The Ex's real name, and I think I'd caused enough damage after two nights of steady drinking.
Besides, my liver needed a rest. It was time to go home.
I walked down the stairs, and said goodbye to my friends. I looked up, hoping to find some wisdom that had eluded me up on the fifth floor.
Instead, some drunk college girl tripped on my feet and fell to the ground. Her friends laughed hysterically as I rolled my eyes. Out of nowhere a thought popped into my head:
God, I need to get laid.For once, my subconscious and I are on the same wavelength.
-- The Bastard
Posted by The Bastard ::
1:10 AM ::
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